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Unleash the full potential of your data with Microsoft SQL Server and DataOps!

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Database health check



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Database health check

A Microsoft SQL Server Health Check involves a comprehensive evaluation of the database to assess its overall health and performance. This process typically includes the following elements:

Mechanism - Database Health Check:


Cloud services

Our cloud-based services offers a comprehensive solution, resulting in upgraded or cloud-based databases that are not only aligned with best practices but also optimised for performance and fortified against potential vulnerabilities. The end-to-end migration or upgrade service aims to deliver a safe and efficient database environment for clients.

Mechanism - End-to-End Migration or Upgrade Service:


DataOps services

Transition from traditional ways of working to modern DataOps tools and practices. The process includes several key components:

Mechanism - Consultancy:


We work differently

Work with the best

What sets us apart is our own health check tool. Not everyone can do this or has access to this tool. We use Custom scripts to analyse your environment. Customised action taken based on the results of this test.

You can put your trust on our  services, we prioritise the optimisation and security of your database environment. We understand the unique challenges that organisations, especially in the financial sector, face when it comes to managing vast amounts of critical data. Our comprehensive health check tool, developed in-house, is tailored to assess the performance, security, and overall well-being of your Microsoft SQL Server environment.



In choosing our services, you gain access to a dedicated team with a proven track record in optimising and securing Microsoft SQL Server environments. Enhance the performance, reliability, and security of your database today with our tailored health check services.

Customised Analysis

Our proprietary health check tool employs custom scripts designed to thoroughly analyse your Microsoft SQL Server environment. Unlike generic tools, our solution is tailored to address specific aspects of your database infrastructure.

Personalised Action Plans

Personalised Action Plans: Based on the results of our health check, we provide customised action plans to address identified issues. We understand that each organisation has unique requirements, and our recommendations are specifically crafted to suit your environment.

Experience-Driven Insights

Our recommendations are backed by extensive experience in working with diverse clients, particularly in the financial sector. We have successfully developed and implemented solutions for organisations ranging from the NHS to banks, ensuring that our insights are grounded in real-world scenarios.

Wide range of Database Sizes

Our services are scalable to accommodate a wide range of database sizes, from small-scale setups to large enterprise-level deployments. Whether you manage a database with a handful of records or operate on a massive scale with thousands of data points, our Microsoft SQL Server Health Checks can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Our process

Begin by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the Microsoft SQL Server environment, examining key parameters such as database performance, resource utilisation, and system configurations.
Analysis and Recommendations:
Analyse the collected data to identify potential bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, or performance issues. Provide clear and concise recommendations for optimising the SQL Server's health, including suggested adjustments to configurations, indexing, and resource allocation.
Reporting and Documentation:
Present a detailed report summarizing the findings and recommendations in an easily understandable format. Include actionable insights, prioritised tasks, and any critical issues discovered during the health check. Provide comprehensive documentation to assist the client in implementing the suggested improvements.
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